Investing in stocks is a big advantage as well as a
greater risk. Therefore the investment in shares is better if for the purpose
of long-term.
And what about the novice investor who wants to try
to invest in these instruments? President Director of PT. Schroders Investment
Management Michael Tjoajadi mengaanjurkan novice investors do some research
before you plunge in world stock. In the process, there are three things to
consider: time, skills and information.
People who want to plunge into the world's stock
should be well aware about the risks. "If you do not understand will be
the pressure. So education is needed before the vote," he said in Jakarta,
Friday, April 13, 2012.
For the selection of good quality stock, then
invesetor should be diligent in seeking information. The trick is not only
through the media, but came directly to the company.
"We must be smart to choose, where we take
stock. It's not funny if we choose to stock expensive but kualiatasnya ugly,
but we also want to smart stock investing or simply be Treader," he said.
For investing in stocks and bonds are better for
long-term goals. Purchases of shares are also better at low prices because the
price will rise over the long term. While if you buy shares when prices are
high, should be more careful because the price could fall at any time.
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